Saturday, March 20, 2010

Draining the Sestak Tank

Beginning last month, an ongoing political cold war of sorts has ensued between Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA) and the Obama White House. In February Joe Sestak made the allegation that the Obama Administration had offered him a high ranking White House position in return for him dropping out of the US Senate race in Pennsylvania, in which Sestak would be running against incumbent Arlen Specter (D-PA) in the primary. However, neither the White House nor Sestak has had much to say on the issue. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs has been faced with numerous questions over the span of weeks pertaining to the issue, but has consistently offered up nothing more than that he would get back to us. Likewise, other than asserting that he was offered a position within the Obama administration, Sestak has elaborated no further. Whether or not the the alleged bribe actually happened, or is a political ploy to damage the image of the Obama White House, the issue is likely to die down as neither side seems interested in pushing forward.

Video of White House Press Secretary Gibbs dodging questions about the Sestek scandal:

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